德国, renowned as 欧洲’s economic powerhouse and leading country politically within the EU, 仍然是PG电子官方免费下载最重要的贸易伙伴, PG电子官方免费下载对德国的出口以每年1%的速度增长.1995年至今93%. 当考虑为什么PG电子官方免费下载公司选择搬到德国, certain criteria present themselves, such as the country’s strong and largely stable economy; its central position in 欧洲; important standing within the EU; and large population of 83 million.
然而, despite optimism as COVID-19 recedes, 欧洲 is currently experiencing added uncertainty and tensions due to the war in 乌克兰. Currently it is unclear how this will progress and how it will affect the business climate in 德国, but the overall positive results of this survey suggest that Swedish firms are well-placed to adapt to changing circumstances. The majority of respondents reported a profitable 2021 and expect industry turnover and their investment in 德国 to increase in the coming year. 除了, the share of respondents who perceive the German business climate positively has increased year-over-year since this survey began in 2020. 即使在存在挑战的领域, such as the levels of digitalisation, there are also opportunities for Swedish firms renowned for their high levels of innovation, 创造新的商业利基,颠覆现有的市场.
此外, the positive associations of the Swedish brand continue to bring advantages to Swedish firms abroad, and PG电子官方免费下载商业 believes that the valuable cooperation between the two countries will continue to grow in strength for many years to come.
Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis.
The Business Climate Survey is a study authored by 团队PG电子官方免费下载 for Swedish companies to understand the opportunities and challenges that they face when doing business in 德国. 这些答案是在2022年3月至4月期间收集的.